If you don't recognize a payment in your feed, please follow these steps before contacting with us. From the app you can activate or lock your card. To do so follow these easy steps:
1. Once you log into your account, in the app, swipe your Bank account "card" to the left and you will see your card, then select the gear icon.
2. To lock your card, select "Lock card". When you do so, you will see a message. Then select "Lock Card".
3. To activate or lock your card, select view card details and Settings. There you will see a switch to activate or lock your card. When you do so you will see a message. Select "Lock Card".
This stops anyone from using your card in case the payment is fraudulent. You can unfreeze your card at any time. Check the payment details. Take a look at the payment details in your feed. Check if you recognize any of the details - the merchant, location, date or time of the payment. Please get in touch with the Zenus support team if you still don't recognize the payment after following these steps, so we can help you investigate and resolve your issue.