How can we help you?

Fraud prevention

Reporting a scam

If you think you've been the victim of fraud, please take the following steps:

Freeze your card This stops anyone from using your card while we investigate what's happened. To do so contact our support team to inform us.

Also, change your log in credentials to prevent access to your account. This can be done by requesting to reset your password, once you are logged in to your account.

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How do I report fraud on my Zenus Visa Debit Card?

If you notice a payment in your account that you didn't make, it may not be fraud. It could be a pending or delayed payment, and will be resolved soon.

If you don't recognize a transaction, check if it could be one of these things:

Pending payments from petrol/gas stations. Petrol/gas stations often preauthorize a maximum or estimated amount. The amount you actually spent should be charged in 1–3 days, and the rest will be automatically refunded to your account payments made offline. Transactions made during a flight or at a food truck are often delayed, so may appear in your Activity when you're not expecting it.

Unfamiliar business names. Transactions are sometimes listed under a different trading name to the business you're familiar with. Google the name to see if you recognize it.

Unexpected small charges. Businesses refund microdeposits within a few days.

Subscriptions. Free trials can lead to unexpected subscription charges.

If you’re sure the payment is fraudulent:

1. Freeze your card. This will stop any more payments from going through. To do this, contact us and request to freeze your card.

2. Report the issue to us. Include as much information as you can about what happened.

3. We'll investigate. Once we're done, we'll email you and let you know what else to do.

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What is phishing?


Phishing is usually done through email, ads, or by sites that look similar to sites you already use. For example, someone who is phishing might send you an email that looks like it's from your bank so that you'll give them information about your bank account.

Be careful anytime you get an email from a site asking for personal information. Phishing emails or sites might ask for:
  1. Usernames and passwords, including password changes
  2. Social Security numbers
  3. Bank account numbers
  4. PINs (Personal Identification Numbers)
  5. Credit card numbers
  6. Your mother’s maiden name
  7. Your birthday
If you get this type of email:
  1. Don’t click any links or provide personal information until you've confirmed the email is real.
  2. Check that the email address and the sender name match.
  3. Check if the email is authenticated.
  4. Hover over any links before you click on them. If the URL of the link doesn't match the description of the link, it might be leading you to a phishing site.
  5. Check the message headers to make sure the "from" header isn't showing an incorrect name.
  6. If the address looks suspicious, reported as phishing.
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HMRC called and asked me to make a payment. Is it a scam?

It could be a scam. HMRC won't ever pressure you to make a payment over the phone. Also, fraudsters can 'spoof' or fake HMRC's phone number to make it look real when it appears on your phone. We recommend calling HMRC by using the details on their website to ask if the call was genuine before making any payment.

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If you're looking to learn more about us, have already applied or you're already a client, we're here to help.

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+1 833-936-8711 (US toll-free)
We speak English & Spanish.

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