Payment Facilitation

Monetize payments

Unlock the potential of your payments through Zenus’ Payment Facilitation (PayFac) solution, the key to effortless payments. Whether pursuing new business opportunities, striving for a competitive advantage, or optimizing your operations, our meticulously managed solution is finely tuned to drive your success.

With PayFac, you’re not just managing payments, you’re monetizing payments with additional revenue streams for your business. We’ve simplified the complex underwriting process, ensuring swift approval and onboarding for clients. Say goodbye to cumbersome delays and embrace an improved customer experience. 

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Zenus Payment Facilitation

Fast Funds

Fast, secure, global payments

Leverage the power of Visa and Visa Direct with Fast Funds for real-time, global payments. Say goodbye to traditional complexities and embrace a faster, agile approach to managing payments.

At Zenus, we're dedicated to offering modern, secure, and swift payment solutions while ensuring your profitability. Our Fast Funds solution simplifies transactions, cuts overhead, enhances security, and boosts convenience.


Zenus Fast Funds

Excellence in payments

We proudly collaborate with industry leaders like Visa and adhere to the rigorous standards of PCI, reflecting our dedication to secure, efficient, and compliant financial transactions.

Visa Visa Direct PCI DSS Compliant

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